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Kantar: blueberries, chokeberries, strawberries and kiwi berry record the highest consumption increases

Kantar monitors the consumption of all the most popular types of fruit and vegetables. The most popular fruits in October 2021 were apples, plums and pears. Looking at the results, year-on-year, blueberries (up 30%), chokeberries (up 29%), strawberries (up 18%) and kiwi berry (up 9%) gained the most.

Increase in consumption of Polish superfruits


“Compared to the results obtained in surveys last year, there is a clear increase in the declaration of consumption of Polish superfruits. Although sometimes such declarations are a bit ‘over the top’, they can be interpreted as harbingers of future interest and increased consumption, or perhaps new trends,” says Urszula Krassowska, Managing Director of Public Division, Kantar Polska.


The survey was conducted between 8-13 October 2021 on a representative sample of 1002 Poles aged 15 and over. Kantar asked respondents about the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption in the last week and the consumption of vegetables, fruits and their preparations at individual meals on the day before the survey. The results of consumption declarations in October can be compared to the results of a year ago. Blueberries, chokeberries, strawberries and kiwi berries gained the most.


Blueberries gained 30%. In October this year, 30% of Poles said they ate blueberries in the week preceding the survey. A year earlier, it was 23%. This gives an increase of 7 p.p. or 30%.


In the case of chokeberries (Read about this precious fruit HERE), we are talking about a 29% increase in the declaration of consumption. 18% of Poles in October, 14% a year ago, up 4 p.p., or 29%.


The third strawberry saw an 18% increase. In early October 2021, 20% of Poles ate strawberries. In October 2020, 17% declared consumption, up 3pc, or 18%.


The consumption and distribution range of Polish kiwi berry (Read our former article about it HERE) is systematically growing. In October 2020, 11% of Poles claimed to consume kiwi berry, in October 2021 12%. This confirms the scale of market penetration. 1 p.p. here means a 9% increase. This result ranks the kiwi berry fourth among all fruits.



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