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Copper has a great time ahead

KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. has launched the Southern Section of its Iron Bridge Mining Waste Disposal Facility. This is the largest investment by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. since 2018.

The expansion of the Facility, despite the pandemic, was completed 7 months ahead of schedule. The Iron Bridge facility is now the largest and best monitored in Europe and one of the largest in the world. This is a key element in the copper production process. 


“These are innovative solutions in the interest of safety. This is a key element in the copper production process. We have taken a giant step to continually participate and win in this global game. Copper has a great time ahead of it. We do everything we can to use this time. Our results, investments such as the Southern Section of Iron Bridge – show that we are doing it right,” said Marcin Chludziński, President of KGHM Polska Miedź S. A.


The Iron Bridge is located in Lower Silesia and is the best-monitored post-production waste reservoir in Europe. Together with the so-called South Section added to the Main Building, it covers an area of over 2000 ha. The reservoir is surrounded by earthen dams with a total length of more than 20 km and a height ranging from 54 to 76 m. Approximately 30 million tonnes of post-flotation waste are deposited at the facility annually.


“I have the honour of supervising the crown jewel of the Polish economy, KGHM. A company that responds to the challenges of the modern world. The opening of the South Section of the Iron Bridge brings the company closer to becoming even more environmentally friendly. As Minister of State Assets, I am proud that KGHM can meet challenges, is a global company, and is well managed. KGHM is not resting on its laurels, it is constantly expanding, becoming more innovative and modern. The company’s profits are at a record high. The value of KGHM during the time when Marcin Chludziński is its CEO and when the Ministry of State Assets supervises the company has increased by PLN 20 billion,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin.

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