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    Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa S.A. becomes a new member of Bussines & Science Poland

    On September 6, 2021, Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa (literally Polish Sugar, abbreviated KSC S.A. – editor’s note) joined the group of Bussines & Science Poland members. Thus, KSC S.A. found itself among Polish companies that want to actively shape European regulations for further development of the industry in Poland.

    The main objective of Bussines & Science Poland is to promote the interests of the Polish economy and science in the international arena, in particular on the European Union forum. Adequate facilities and tools help BSP to shape legislative proposals negotiated in Brussels so that they best support Polish entrepreneurs and scientists. BSP is composed of leading Polish companies that understand the relationship between the ability to influence EU decisions and effective planning of long-term development strategies. The strength of BSP is not only professional tools and excellent understanding of the EU legislative process mechanisms, but also the unity of the voice of Polish business.

    Such strategy is understood by Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, which in recent days has joined the Employers’ Union and become another member of Bussines & Science Poland. The cooperation will enable it to even better monitor European legislation and any initiatives directly related to the Company’s activities.

    “Participation in such a project as Business & Science Poland is not so much a necessity for us as it is simply a great convenience. We have gained a partner thanks to whom our voice will be much better heard in the European forum. The situation on the European sugar market has not yet stabilized, which can be seen, for example, in the fluctuations of the sugar price on the London exchange. In this context, we would like to make EU legislators aware of the importance of sugar beet growing in the Community, both for the food security of our citizens and due to the great importance of the sugar segment in the creation of GDP and employment, directly and indirectly” – said the Chairman of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, Krzysztof Kowa.

    “We are pleased that as an employers’ union we are gaining new members. In Brussels, where negotiations are taking place every day and alliances are being reconfigured, you simply have to be constantly and keep your hand on the pulse. The decision-making process in the European Union requires constant action in Brussels so that the interests of the Polish economy are effectively represented,” – says Artur Zasada, CEO of BUSINESS & SCIENCE POLAND. “The synergy of interests of our members, representing many sectors of the economy, increases the strength of our arguments. With the accession of KSC, we can benefit from the arguments and experience of the agri-food sector” – adds the president of BSP.

    Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa “Polski Cukier” S.A. is the largest sugar producer in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. The core business of KSC is the production and sale of sugar, trading in products manufactured in the process of sugar production and fruit and vegetable processing. The company cooperates with over 13,000 Polish farms, whose agricultural produce is processed by seven sugar plants and a fruit and vegetable processing plant.

    Business & Science Poland is an association of employers whose aim is to represent the interests of the Polish economy in the EU environment. Thanks to an extensive network of contacts and an excellent understanding of the EU legislative process, BSP offers its members professional tools to influence the decisions made in Brussels. Business & Science Poland brings together leading Polish companies that, thanks to cooperation, can have a real impact on the EU legislative process and jointly take care of the Polish economy.

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