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Further provocations almost certain

On Tuesday, Polish forces repelled an assault on the border by migrants. In the evening, Belarusian officers appeared back at the scene. “It all appears to be a prelude to propaganda campaign against Poland,” Stanislaw Żaryn wrote on Twitter.

On Tuesday, scenes of forcible forcing of the Polish border by migrants, supported and equipped by Belarusian services. It took place at the Kuźnica-Bruzgi border crossing. The Polish officers were attacked with stones, metal equipment, and stun grenades. They repelled the assault with the use of, among others, water cannons and tear gas. As a result of the attack, 12 people were injured on the Polish side – 9 police officers, 2 border guards, and a soldier.


In the evening on the site of the assault of migrants appeared back Belarusian officers. The recording was posted on Twitter by Stanisław Żaryn, Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator.




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