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EU approved brexit terms

The European Council has approved an agreement for the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, which was concluded yesterday by EU and British negotiators. Although, there is no agreement on the draft of the new EU budget presented by Finland. Poland and several other countries are demanding increased funds.

The two-day summit of the European Union held in Brussels was concluded with a long-awaited agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom regarding Brexit. Although, everything depends on tomorrow’s session of the British Parliament. If the House of Commons accepts the agreement, it will require a final acceptance of the European Parliament. The second important topic of the summit was the European Union’s budget. Finland’s proposal regarding this matter was quite controversial. According to the proposal, the EU’s budget was to be reduced by 85 billion Euro. The member states, including Poland, don’t agree to this idea. The Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, said that he hopes that the EU’s funds dedicated to the agricultural policies won’t be reduced, because it wouldn’t be beneficial for Poland.

MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI, PRIME MINISTER OF POLAND:  “We could talk about Europeanness, but what is it? When it comes to the strategic dimension, it is an expansion of impacts. Closing the door to all of the smaller, but important countries would be wrong. The countries that want to reduce the budget are deeply inconsistent in their messages. Poland believes that the budget should increase.”

Everything indicates that Finland’s decision is not going to be accepted. The European Commission wants the budget to be higher than in Finland’s proposal.  


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