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    Polish National Parks – National Park of Wielkopolska

    The characteristic elements of the landscape are post-glacial floodbanks, hills, boulders, gullies, which are filled with water from 11 lakes.

    Wielkopolska National Park was established in 1957. It currently covers an area of 7,584 ha and an additional 7,256 ha of the buffer zone. There are also eighteen areas of strict preservation with a total area of 260 ha. The park is located in the vicinity of Poznań.


    The fauna is represented by more than 40 species of mammals (roe deer, deer, wild boar, foxes, martens, badgers), about 220 species of birds (great crested grebes, garganeys, mallards, black kite, marsh harrier).


    Additional information:

    – Hiking trails (total 215 km),

    – The Centre for Ecological Education and the Natural History Museum of the National Park of Wielkopolska in Jeziory,

    – National Museum of Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry in Szreniawa.


    More about the Park: National Park of Wielkopolska (official website)

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