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    A Tatra Christmas tree decorated the Wojtyła's living room

    The Tatra Christmas tree decorated the living room in the Wojtyła family apartment, which is the heart of the John Paul II Family Home Museum in Wadowice, the facility reported. When offering a Christmas tree, the highlanders from Podhale referred to the tradition of donating trees to the Vatican years ago.

    Magdalena Klaja from the Museum in Wadowice informed that the facility cherishes the memory of the Polish Pope and the traditions that were cultivated in his family.


    “Among them were those related to Christmas – a time of joy and reconciliation. That is why, for the seventh time, we organized a special event . On Monday we had the great pleasure of hosting the inhabitants of Podhale,” she said.


    The Christmas tree was placed in the living room of Wojtyła’s apartment. It is the heart of the papal museum. It has traditional ornaments. Their form refers to the decorations with which Christmas trees were decorated before the Second World War. The highlanders were bringing the Pope a Christmas tree to the Vatican before Christmas in the years 1997-2004.



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