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The processions of the Epiphany are starting [GALLERY]

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany, also known as Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day, which falls on January 6 in the Catholic Church. It is one of the first feasts established by the Church.


Since 2011 it has been a public holiday in Poland. On that day, ceremonial processions go through the streets of Polish cities. The first one was launched in 2009. In 2020, about 1.3 million participants took part in the event in various cities in Poland. The motto for this year’s processions will be “Dzień dziś wesoły!” (Today’s a merry day) It is a fragment of the carol “Z narodzenia Pana” (From the Nativity of the Lord), which was written at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries – We want to encourage joy, make people aware that Christmas, if we experience it deeply, leaves joy and optimism – Anna Morawska, the author of the script of this year’s procession said. This year the processions will take place in 668 towns.


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