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13 of the 17 Medical Council doctors have resigned from advising the government on the epidemic!

Prof. Radosław Owczuk, Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, Prof. Krzysztof Simon and Prof. Małgorzata Pawłowska are four of the thirteen members of the Medical Council who resigned today to advise the government on the epidemic. “On January 14, 2022, we asked the Prime Minister to accept our resignation from further participation in the Medical Board for COVID-19,” the medics wrote in a statement.

The statement from some members of the Prime Minister’s Medical Council for COVID-19 that was sent out said, among other things, that the decision was made due to the “lack of impact of the recommendations on real action” and the “exhaustion of previous cooperation.”


“As a Medical Council, we have repeatedly been accused of not having enough influence on the Government’s actions. At the same time, we observed a growing tolerance of the behaviour of communities denying the threat of COVID-19 and the importance of vaccination in the fight against the pandemic, which was also expressed by members of the Government or government officials,” 13 council members wrote.


The statement was signed by Prof. Robert Flisiak, Prof. Magdalena Marczyńska, Prof. Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas, Prof. Radosław Owczuk, Prof. Iwona Paradowska, Prof. Miłosz Parczewski, Prof. Małgorzata Pawłowska, Prof. Anna Piekarska, Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, Prof. Krzysztof Simon, Prof. Konstanty Szułdrzyński, Prof. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz, and Prof. Jacek Wysocki.


Four members of the committee did not resign, including the Prime Minister’s chief advisor on COVID-19, Professor Andrzej Horban.


“The discrepancies between scientific and medical rationale and practice have become particularly glaring in the context of very limited action in the face of the fall wave and then in the face of the Omicron variant threat, despite the huge number of deaths predicted,”- we read in the statement.

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