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ALFA-CRP alert level in Poland

The ALFA-CRP first alert level for cyberspace has been introduced in Poland. The alert level shall be valid from Tuesday, January 18, 2022 (11:59 p.m.) through Sunday, January 23, 2022 (11:59 p.m.).

The ALFA-CRP alert level was introduced due to potential security risks to ICT systems due to identified threats resulting from the tense situation in the region. The purpose of introducing the alert level is to intensify monitoring of the state of security of information and communication systems of state institutions and critical infrastructure in terms of breaches of availability or possible attack attempts.


CRP alert degrees address the threat in cyberspace. The ALFA-CRP degree is the lowest of the four alert degrees specified in the Anti-Terrorism Activities Act. Above all, it is a signal to security services and the entire public administration to be extra vigilant. This means that public administration is obliged to conduct increased monitoring of the state of security of ICT systems. Among other things, public institutions will monitor and verify whether there has been a breach in the security of electronic communications.


Alert degrees shall be introduced, amended and revoked, by order, by the Prime Minister under the provisions of the Law of June 10, 2016, on Anti-Terrorist Activities.


All disturbing and unusual situations and threats should be reported to the Police via 112 number.

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