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Nicolaus Copernicus’ 549th birthday – Dies Natalis Copernici

The Renaissance polymath, astronomer, and the creator of the heliocentric model of the universe is one of the people that Poles take the most pride in. He’s especially important for the residents of Torun, where Copernicus was born on February 19th, 1473. Every year the Regional Museum in Torun celebrates his birthday, and this year is no different.

The Torunians are living half by the past, half by the future. This year’s celebration will pay homage to the 500thanniversary through singing famous Polish songs from the 70s, and then will announce the plans for 550th Dies Natalis Copernici. The festival will start at 4 PM on Saturday the 19th, at the old town hall. Everyone is welcome to come, as it is free.

The opening act will be Marek Grechuta’s “Dni, których nie znamy” (The Days We Haven’t Yet Seen”), sung by Joanna Czajkowska and played by Bartek Staśkiewicz. Then, the Regional Museum’s headmistress Aleksandra Mierzejewska will welcome the guests and the city president Michał Zaleski will add a few words on his own. Later, Adam Kola will recall the events of the 500th anniversary. At 5 P.M., Olga Drenda will do a lecture on Copernican goods. 

Between the lectures, the mentioned artists will cover a few more songs and afterwards do a recital titled “Songs of the 70s”. After that, the museum will invite the attendees to their exhibition called “M’73, A.K.A. Retro Room with Copernican Souvenirs”. The end of the event is planned at 6:30 P.M.


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