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Fundraising concert for Ukraine in a Cracovian theatre

Tomorrow (February 27th) in Juliusz Słowacki’s Theatre in Cracow a fundraising concert will take place. It’s a part of the action “Solidarni z Ukrainą” (Together with Ukraine), and the donations will be used to help Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Cracow.

“We in the theatre can – and should – express ourselves through art. That’s why we are inviting everyone to a remarkable concert where we will sing and talk about war, uncertainty, the incessant need for freedom and peace, and deep trust in other humans,” wrote the management on their Facebook and website.

The concert will take place in the Large Stage in Słowacki Theatre at 7 P.M. During the event, Ukrainian foundation Zustricz will be collecting donations they will later use for the

The theatre announced that besides the performances of their actors there will be speeches from their Polish and Ukrainian friends, but details are to be added. The concert will be simultaneously streamed on Theatre’s Facebook.


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