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    Embassies in Kyiv in Russia’s crosshairs

    The embassy buildings in the Ukrainian capital have been targeted by the Russian attacker. As reported by the portal Ukrayinska Pravda, citing the EU diplomats – the walls were marked with special symbols.

    Thanks to the special markers the Russians know which places to destroy first.


    Matti Maasikas, Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine, tweeted: “More “diplomatic casualties” to come? Markers like these found on more than one diplomatic mission’s building in Kyiv.” He also attached a photo of a small stamp glued to a brick with a symbol reminiscent of a target.



    Later, Maasikas added in a comment that he had received several dozen comments on his tweet, pointing out that these stamps are also used in construction and geodetic measurements. “Right. But these particular markers have appeared over the last 1-2 days. Guess how much construction, geodetic work goes on in Kyiv since 24.02? – asked the diplomat.


    It was not specified whose buildings were marked with special symbols. Most of the diplomatic missions in Kyiv have been evacuated and have left the capital.

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