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Biejat on notice

During an interview with journalists in Zagrzeb, Grzegorz Schetyna informed that Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska has an opponent in the presidential primaries of the Civic Coalition. The candidates name, however, was not disclosed. In the afternoon the President of Poznań, Jacek Jaśkowiak, stated that he would stand up to the primaries.

MPs of United Poland wrote a letter to the Law and Justice parliamentary club demanding that Magdalena Biejat be dismissed from the chair of the Social Policy and Family Committee. Other right-wing politicians also support this solution.

 ”Saying that a conceived child has no PESEL, so he should not be protected, is the worst thing that could be said. Here we are talking about a person who has a very honorable function, the chairman of the Social Policy and Family Committee. Of course, there are some parliamentary rules that apply to the opposition having its representatives, but the question is whether a person with such far-left views should be in such an important committee and perform such a function”- says Jan Kanthak,United Poland press officer.

 ”I think that the application submitted by Solidarity Poland. It is a good conclusion. It seems that with such an important topic, with the entire term of the previous one devoted to caring for the families, chairmanship should be held at most by a neutral person or by someone willing to express deep concern for the traditional family model in accordance with constitutional provisions”- says Wojciech Murdzek, Agreement party.

 ”If there is no chairman of this committee, then she will have to have a chairperson or chairperson of another committee, and, in theory, there is some wiggle room”- says Ryszard Czarnecki,Euro MEP

 ”There is freedom of opinion, but we agree with the fact that the committees should be headed by people who try to consolidate understanding. These people are in every party, in every formation”- says Tadeusz Cymański, United Poland.

Biejat’s opponent for the position of the head of the Sejm Social Policy and Family Committee was Confederation MP Grzegorz Braun. His grouping filed for the dismissal of Magdalena Biejat.

 ”We believe that a person who clearly says that abortion should be upon request, and at the same time offends the Catholic religion with some of their entries, even in social media, should not represent voters as a person responsible for the families”-says Michał Urbaniak,Confederation.

According to the opposition, the Law and Justice party clearly got lost in this matter.

 ”The club chairman and Ryszard Terlecki, alongside Marek Suski, have fully accepted this candidacy. What has changed between last week and today? Nothing. The views of this MP remain unchanged”- says Michał Szczerba,civic Platform party.

 ”It was Law and Justice who decided who will be responsible for this commission, who they elect, who the party’s MPs voted for – they have the majority in committees, so this also shows how the party respects previous arrangements”- says Mieczysław Kasprzak, Polish People’s party.


 “You cannot call someone off because of their views. The voters choose us precisely because of the views we represent”- says Katarzyna Lubanuer,Vice-Chairman of The Citiziens Coalition club.

Magdalena Biejat herself referred to the applications for appeal.

 ”There are no grounds to dismiss me and I have repeatedly declared that I will do everything so that we can create space on the Social Policy and Family Committee and work together on joint projects. The Law and Justice party has a majority in the Sejm and if they want to dismiss me, if they want to dismiss the head of the Environmental Protection Committee or the Public Finance Committee, they will do it”- says Magdalena Biejat, Chairman of The Social Policy and Family Comission.

Biejat’s candidacy for chairwoman of the committee was supported by 25 deputies, including the majority of Law and Justice MPs represented in the committee. Three Law and Justice deputies were against, four members abstained.


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