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The International Court of Justice has ruled that Russia’s attack on Ukraine is illegal. It ordered Putin to stop the invasion

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague announced that the Russian attack on Ukraine was illegal. The application was submitted by the Ukrainian government on 26 February. – Ignorance of this decision by Russia will further isolate it”, tweeted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The ICJ has rejected Russia’s allegations of genocide in eastern Ukraine and issued Russia an interim measure to stop the invasion.


The decision was adopted by 13 votes to two, with Russian Vice President Kirill Gevorgian and Chinese Judge Xue Hanqin voting against it.


Judge Joan E. Donoghue announced the decision.


The ICJ is a judicial body of the United Nations established to settle disputes between States. The judgments of that court shall not be subject to appeal.


“Ukraine has won a complete victory in a case against Russia before the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. The court ordered Russia to stop the invasion of Ukraine immediately. The order is binding on Russia under international law. Failure to comply with this decision will further isolate Russia,” the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky commented on Twitter.



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