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Sleeve tradition ‘Rękawka’ means more than just a piece of clothing [VIDEO]

‘Rękawka’ is a tradition whose roots reach the pre-Christian world, referring to the pagan rituals related to Spring All Souls’ Day. It took place on the spring equinox but nowadays this tradition is celebrated on Easter Tuesday and the tradition includes among others throwing and rolling eggs as a symbol of new life.

Rękawka is also connected with the legend of Krakus Mound, built after the King’s death. According to tradition, the soil from which the mound was built was carried in sleeves, hence the name of the tradition. The present-day ‘Rękawka’ festival has been organized since 2000.

The festival opens with making a fire and a traditional run around the Krakus Mound. The schedule includes also a custom of Siuda Baba and the legend of an evil black princess from Lasota Hill. In addition, during the festival participants can feel like in the Middle Ages. They can see what arts and crafts were practised, what food people ate, and what clothes they wore.

Check the video below to see a relation from one of the festivals:


During Easter, similar traditions are held in many countries, for example, Scandinavian Äggrullning, English Egg rolling, or German Ostereierschieben near Budziszyn.

Barack Obama at the 2009 White House Easter egg roll /

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