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Large warehouse of the pro-Kremlin “Prosveshcheniye” publishing house is on fire [VIDEO]

Today, there has been a large fire at the warehouse of the Russian publishing house “Prosveshcheniye” near Moscow. Almost 34 thousand square meters are burning. “Prosveshcheniye” was a legal Bolshevik socio-political and literary monthly magazine in Russia. The video of the accident is available below.


According to NEXTA on, around midnight a hangar in #Bogorodskoe district, where printed materials were stored, burst into flames. 


Until 1991, “Prosveshcheniye was the USSR’s principal educational publisher.

On February 24, Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of his “special military operation”, and the Russian troops invaded Ukraine. Shortly thereafter, employees of the Prosveshcheniye group, one of the country’s largest and oldest publishers of schoolbooks, were asked to remove “inappropriate” references to Ukraine and Kyiv from all school textbooks. Mediazona learned how the editors scrap Ukraine out of history, geography, and literature textbooks. (


What is interesting, today we also celebrate World Press Freedom Day. 


The origin of World Press Freedom Day can be traced back to 1948 after World War II. The global community sought to foster peace through the creation of the United Nations. The UN then came up with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Article 19 of the Declaration stated that everyone regardless of their location or circumstance has a right to seek and relay information. (


The cause of the fire remains unknown. Check the video of the accident below.


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