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    Israel's ambassador on the war with Confederation

    The Izraeli ambassador to Poland, Alexander ben Zvi, has once again accused the politicians of the Confederation party of anti-Semitism. In their response they stated that such words are unacceptable, and the ambassador is stepping beyond his diplomatic role.

    Once again the Israeli ambassador to Poland, Alexander Ben Zvi, has publicly expressed concern over the views of Confederation activists and politicians.

     ”The problem is not the Confederation party as a whole, but more so the anti-Jewish views of individual members of this party. This is an issue, because if such views prevail in the Sejm, it is a problem for me personally, and I do not say this as an ambassador, but as a Jew”- says Alexander Ben Zvi, ambassador of Israel in Poland.

    This is not the first time the ambassador expressed his concerns about the politicians of the Confederation party. As said by one of the group’s leaders, Janusz Korwin Mikke, the ambassador should separate his private views from the position he holds.

     ”The Israeli ambassador has all the right to his views concerning the party members. However, if this is the viewpoint of Israel, then a reaction from the Polish government is necessary”- says Janusz Korwin Mikke, Confederation party.
    The MEP’s also pointed out that only specific people, not groups, are responsible for manifestations of hatred or anti-Semitism.

     ”We must differentiate between this hate speech and the views of Polish society”- says Marcin Kierwiński, Civic Platform party.

     ”First of all, if the Israeli ambassador claims that such words were said, I would like to see evidence. From what I know, no specific statements were made. Secondly, the politicians of the Confederation party sit in the parliament by democratic choice made by Poles, which means that such statements are an interference by a foreign diplomat in the internal affairs of the country, which is not allowed”- says Jan Maria Jackowski, Law and Justice senator.
    On the other hand, left-wing politicians share the concerns of the Israeli ambassador.

     ”I sympathize with these fears. I believe that anti-Semitism is unfortunately present, and the Confederation politicians are known for their views. I regret that such a group got into parliament”- says Andrzej Rozenek, The Left.
    As publicist Marek Król points out, there is no specific evidence confirming the words of Alexander Ben Zvi.

     ”Not every criticism of the state of Israel is a manifestation of anti-Semitism. The ambassador has the right to express his opinions, but I would expect them to be supported by evidence”- Marek Król, publicist.

    Earlier, the former Israeli ambassador in Rome, Gideon Meir, commented on Poland, saying that “the entire approach of the Polish government to the Holocaust is bad and is related to anti-Semitism, for which Poland is infamous.”

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