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Photography vernissage: City Portraits by Ignacy50

Tomorrow in the Kołowa Arthouse will take place a photography vernissage of city life in various cities in Europe, including Paris, London and Prague. The pictures were taken by Ignacy Cembrzyński (a.k.a Ignacy50), a specialist in street photography whose works were displayed in New York, London and Cape Town exhibitions.

Ignacy Cembrzyński is a photographer based in Bielsko-Biała in Poland. He studied photography at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice. He travels around the world and photographs it in a ‘voyeuristic’ style, observing what’s happening on the streets and taking photos. His career picked up when he prepared a series of large-format photos from China in 2014. After that, his works were put in group exhibitions outside the country and individual ones in ‘Korez’ Theatre Gallery in Katowice, ‘Living Gallery’ in Warsaw and at the 2021 FotoArtFestival.

The exhibition consists of 13 black-and-white street photos. They belong to a collection ‘City Portraits’ which debuted at the Photography Festival in Wojnowo in 2020. It was showcased twice more, in Fence Gallery in Grodziec and Polna Gallery in Łańcut. Now it came to Warsaw. The vernissage starts on May 14th at 4 P.M. and will last two hours.


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