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Polish Speedway Riders won EBEA European Team Speedway Championship in Poznań!

After the loss of Polish speedway riders at the PGE Narodowy in FIM Speedway Grand Prix, the Polish representation is even happier about the victory in EBEA European Team Speedway Championship in Poznań! On May 15, the Polish team of riders won a gold medal!

The first four heats were three triumphs of the Polish team. Bartosz Zmarzlik, Janusz Kołodziej and Maciej Janowski beat their rivals. The performance of Zmarzlik and Kołodziej provided their fans with huge excitement and positive emotions. They competed incredibly with the British representatives – Dan Bewley and Robert Lambert. Although the track was very demanding, it didn’t prevent the Poles from gaining an advantage over their rivals. The gold medals are ours! The second place and silver medal were won by the Danes, who were just one point ahead of the British.


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