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The Nysa International AFL Cup – the first women’s match in Poland

On May 14, the first Australian rules football CUP took place in Nysa. Teams from Poland, Deutschland and Czech competed with each other. Even though this sport is not the most popular one in Poland, there was a chance to see the first AFL game of women’s teams!

Six teams took part in the championship: 

Berlin Crocodiles, AFL Warsaw – Boars & Bisons, Australian Rules Football Club Wrocław Lions, Prague Dragons – SKPŠ Praha, Fort Nysa, and Crusaders. The last team consists of players from such clubs as Vienna Galahs Australian Football Club, Silesia Miners AFL, Lublin Hornets, and AFL Cracow.


Congratulations to the winners:

1st place – Berlin Crocodiles  

2nd place – Prague Dragons – SKPŠ Praha

3rd place – Fort Nysa


The woman’s matches included players from Fort Nysa, Silesia Miners, Wrocław and Ruda Śląska. All matches were very interesting and exciting. The fans hope that they will see such games more often in the future. Check the gallery to see photos from the event.


The Australian Ambassador to Poland Lloyd Brodrick took part in the event as a spectator. Then, he strolled through the streets of Nysa and explored the town with Mayor Kordian Kolbiarz.



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