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99th birthday of the Polish veteran Colonel Antoni Grudzień

99-year-old Polish veteran has been collecting money for Poppy Appeal for a couple of years now. The Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal to raise money for former servicemen and women with help of around 40,000 volunteers. They distribute about 40 million poppies from shops all over the UK.


Mister Grudzień, together with the others, liberated Italy. He was wounded near Ancona. After the war, he attended the military school in Amandola and then became an instructor and trained other soldiers. In 1946 he went to Great Britain, where he lives with his wife Irena. He is always surrounded by young people as a model of patriotism for the next generations of Poles in exile. He shares his experience and life wisdom, always with a smile on his face. (



The Royal British Legion is at the heart of a national network that supports our Armed Forces community. Poppy Appeal is a yearly fund-raising organised by the charity that takes place before Remembrance Sunday. The volunteers sell the artificial Remembrance poppy red poppies that are meant to be worn on clothing then. Colonel Antoni Grudzień is the best example of the contribution of Polish soldiers and airmen that was made in defense of Great Britain.

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