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    Moon Camp Challenge: Poland took the first place in the Moon Camp Explorers category

    The European Space Agency, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk announced the winners of the Moon Camp Challenge 2021-2022. Poland’s Moon Base Kernel took first place!

    “This year, a record number of teams accepted the challenge to 3D design an innovative and futuristic Moon Camp to host the future space explorers. The third edition of the Moon Camp Challenge involved the participation of 4173 pupils from 53 countries across the globe, including 22 from the ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia and Latvia,” the European Space Agency informed on their official website. 


    In the Moon Camp Challenge in the Moon Camp Explorers category (up to 14 years old inclusive) 323 teams from 31 countries, for a total of 1112 pupils, took part and created a complete Moon base using Tinkercad. 


    “Name of our camp, Moon Base Kernel, indicates the role which it plays. It will be “the seed” for larger habitat in the future. Beside of intensive exploration of the Moon and space, this camp aims to study the adaptation of life on the Moon. The second purpose is to obtain elements and materials for Earth. The crew consists of five people. Each of them has several specializations necessary for such a group of people to function independently,” we can read in the project’s description. 


    The full project is available here.


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