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    Children's football and football tournaments as an opportunity for future national team success

    Football has been the dominant sport played by Poles for years. Also, among children, this sport enjoys the greatest interest. Persistent football enthusiasm and easy access to training facilities make this sport even more popular. Playing football at a young age has many benefits. First of all, it has a positive impact on the overall development of the young person’s body, but it also shapes the right social attitudes, the ability to work as part of a team, and group responsibility for the result. This is where children have the right space to develop a healthy attitude to competition and the ability to cope with both success and failure.

    Is the sport only for boys?


    Blue Media research shows that nearly 60% of physically active boys choose football as their lead sport. Football’s popularity is driven by its simplicity and accessibility – virtually no infrastructure is needed to play football – just a piece of land, a ball and friends to play with. Most boys dream of being as good as Robert Lewandowski or Wojtek Szczesny. Fortunately, this sport is also becoming increasingly popular among women, although still, only about 6% of sport-active girls make this choice.


    “Thanks to promotional activities, the success of our women’s national team and limiting stereotypical thinking about football, we are seeing more and more girls at training,” says “Orly Sportu” (Eagles of Sport) Foundation President Rafał Wosik. “We hope that during our tournaments this year, we will be able to observe the games of girls’, boys’ and mixed teams,” added the president.


    “Razem z Orlami” (Together with Eagles) Football tournaments as a chance for the development of young sportsmen


    During the 3 tournaments that the Foundation has prepared this year, a total of 30 teams in U-11 and U-12 age groups will meet. Most children start playing football at the age of 6-7, but it is at the age of 11 and 12 that permanent and conscious choices are made that may become the most important decisions in the path of a sports career.


    The games are scheduled for 11 June in Puck, 12 June in Warsaw and 25 June in Przemyśl. During the event, participants and their families will be able to take advantage of many sports attractions encouraging a variety of physical activities. This is important, especially in the post-pandemic reality when the physical form and activity of Poles, both adults and children, has significantly decreased.


    “The tournaments and games are a great opportunity for young footballers to have great fun strengthening bonds within the team and making new friends,” emphasizes Rafał Wosik. – It is also a great opportunity to present one’s football talent and to be noticed by the experts watching the match,” he adds. 


    Passion for sport and a love of physical activity built from childhood bring many benefits. For children and young people, it is one of the most important stimulators of physical and mental development. All this makes football a really good choice. Both for boys and girls.

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