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It is official – June 24 marked the beginning of vacations for all school pupils in Poland!

June 24 is the official end of the school year for all school pupils in Poland. This means that the students have over 60 days off and come back to school after vacations on 1 September. Today students all over Poland will receive their report cards and the best pupils will awarded additional prizes, in most cases books and school supplies. The school assembly usually last until noon but it mainly depends on the school schedules and faculty members.

On this day, students celebrate their whole year’s achievements and receive report cards. This special school assembly requires also an extraordinary outfit – formal wear. Usually, formal clothing means white shirts and black trousers or skirts. However, the rules regarding this area are specified in School Statute.

To receive a report card and advance to the next class or graduate, pupils have to pass all school subjects included in the course. The evaluation system in Poland consists of a rating system from 1 insufficient to 6 excellent.

The education system in Poland is centrally managed by two institutions – the Ministry of National Education (general and vocational education) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (higher education). It is only the national educational policy that is developed and carried out centrally, while the administration of education and the running of schools are decentralized.

(Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Warsaw 2014 Polish Eurydice Unit)

For most students, holidays are a time of complete relaxation and rest from school duties. However, not for everyone. The students who did not receive at least 2 mark (passing) from the school subjects have to retake exams in the summer. This is the last chance for them to correct the under-grades they received at the end of the school year and to advance to the next grade.

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