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Documentary film show about regional foods

July will start with a documentary film show in Wieniawa. At 1:30 P.M. at the after-school club in Żuków will take place a festival “There Will be Bread from this Flour. Cinematic Workshops of Registering Local Traditions”, where short films about regional Polish traditions will be screened.

The show “There Will be Bread from this Flour. Cinematic Workshops of Registering Local Traditions” is a part of the National Culture Centre Ethno-Poland 2022 project, which aims to protect and popularize traditions that are slowly being forgotten. The documentaries focus on culinary traditions such as historic bread-making methods, hence the name of the project. The protagonists present old crops, methods of cultivation and processing of the grains, and ways of food storage.

Besides the traditions, the participants will also learn about the techniques of movie-making: directing, setting up the lights and recording sound. The workshops are conducted by Piotr Piasta, a documentalist, animator and visual artist. You can see his works here.

The event will take place at the after-school club in Żuków from 1:30 P.M. At the end, guests will be invited to a repast with traditional and regional foods shown in the documentaries. The entry is free.


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