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547 years ago Veit Stwosz started the creation of his famous altar

547 years ago, on May 25, 1477, the renowned German sculptor Veit Stwosz embarked on what would become his most celebrated creation: the altar within the walls of St. Mary’s Basilica in Krakow.

A Monumental Undertaking

Veit Stwosz, a talented German sculptor in his thirties, was invited to Krakow to embark on a significant project: the creation of the St. Mary’s Altar. Beginning his work on May 25, 1477, Stwosz dedicated 12 years to meticulously crafting this masterpiece. His connection to Krakow extended far beyond the project’s completion, as he resided and worked in the royal city for nearly two decades.

A Masterpiece of Late Gothic Artistry

The St. Mary’s Altar stands as a celebrated example of late Gothic artistry. Its intricate carvings and detailed sculptures vividly depict scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary and the Passion of Christ. The altar’s extraordinary craftsmanship has earned it global acclaim, drawing visitors from around the world to St. Mary’s Basilica in Krakow. Today, it remains a treasured cultural and artistic monument, showcasing the enduring legacy of Veit Stwosz’s unparalleled skill.

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