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Rule of law and reparations [op-ed]

The visit to Poland by the head of Germany’s largest opposition party, Friedrich Merz, made a good impression. He spoke differently in comparison to Angela Merkel or current Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, at the time of the biggest embarrassment of German politics since 1945, suggests that his country should take responsibility for Europe. After that, I think the saying “insolent as a German” will be remembered for good. 

It seems that Merz may change this image after Scholz loses power. However, I was distracted by his statement on reparations. He stated that there was no legal basis for paying them. I wonder, then, what the legal grounds for invading Poland, destroying Warsaw, and murdering millions of Poles were. If there is no legal basis for reparations, then what are they for? What makes anyone in the civilized world entitled to reparations? Poland was the country most hurt by Germany. Decency should be considered as a legal basis in this case. However, this thought is foreign to the head of the German Christian Democrats. One dreads to think about what other politicians of the country have in mind. The fear is greater because the majority of them are silent allies of the biggest thug of our time – Vladimir Putin. 

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