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The Wawel Dragon's birthday picnic in Kraków

A birthday picnic will be held tomorrow at the Błonia in a recreated early medieval settlement. The host will be the Wawel Dragon himself. The dragon’s birthday party will be the culminating event of this year’s “dragon summer” in Kraków.

The famous Wawel Dragon statue at the Dragon’s Den at the gates of Wawel Castle is celebrating its 50th birthday this year. A birthday picnic will be on Sunday, August 14, to mark the occasion. An early medieval settlement will spread out on Krakow’s Błonie between 12 and 6 pm, which will allude to the history of Kraków and the daily life of its former inhabitants. It will be recreated by the Drużyna Wojów Wiślańskich “Krak” (English: Team of Vistula Warriors “Krak”). It is the oldest in Krakow and one of the first reconstruction groups in Poland that refers to the early medieval tradition. 


The early medieval settlement will consist of about 20 sewn tents and erected according to the indications of iconographic sources. It will be populated by teams of warriors, craftsmen and musicians in period costumes, equipped with weapons, tools, instruments and other attributes modelled on historical ones.


The birthday program also includes plebeian games (i.e., sack races or Slavic wrestling), dragon skirmishes, contests with prizes, live music and, of course, singing “Happy Birthday!” to the Wawel Dragon together.



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