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Jarika dog became a police pensioner

Jarika has bravely supported uniformed officers from the Silesian garrison on patrol duty since 2015. For the past four years, she has been the faithful companion of chief inspector Robert Kolanko of the Częstochowa Prevention Service and has had many successes. After seven years of service, the police bitch has retired, which she will spend with her current handler.

The 9-year-old Belgian Shepherd bitch – Jarika – began her service in 2015 with training at the Police Canine Academy in Sułkowice. After her adaptation was completed, she patrolled the streets of Zawiercie for the next 3 years. In mid-2018, she was transferred to the Częstochowa Municipal Police Station, where she guarded the safety of residents together with her handler – chief inspector Robert Kolanko.


Jarika is a female dog trained for preventive actions. She has taken part in searching for missing persons, tracking criminals, securing matches and mass events, as well as participating in family festivals and school lectures. She has had many successes. She has taken part in provincial service dog training shows and represented the Silesian garrison in the canine championships in Sułkowice – in the provincial finals she won a gold and silver medal.


The police bitch leaves for civilian life but is not going to split up with her handler. They have forged a strong bond over several years of cooperation and chief inspector Robert Kolanko cannot imagine splitting up with his four-legged friend.




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