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Adrian Kostera was 3rd at the Swissultra Triathlon finish line!

Adrian Kostera was 3rd at the finish line of the Swiss Ultra Triathlon! He scored the bronze medal of the 10xIronman World Championship! Kostera was one of the three Poles participating in the event. For a long time, Robert Karaś was in the lead with a huge advantage, but while covering the distance of the last competition, he had to decide to withdraw from the competition. Tomasz Lus, currently in 11th place, still has about 340 km of run to cover.

Let’s remind that the participants of the race must have covered 38 kilometres by swimming, 1,800 kilometres by cycling and 422 kilometres by running. The competition began at 6 pm on Sunday and now we know exactly who managed to find his place on the podium!

Adrian Kostera has finished the Swissultra Triathlon on 3rd place! Despite the health issues (especially his feet) and some other technical problems, he managed to finish the race after almost 8 days! Moreover, his personal result on the 10xIronman is better compared to the previous world record! Congratulations! 

1st place – Kenneth Vanthuyne (Belgium)

2nd place – Richard Jung (Germany) 

3rd place – Adrian Kostera (Poland)

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