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The Presidential Couple supports Caritas 'Backpacks Full of Smiles'

Caritas shares the mission of the Catholic Church to serve the poor and to promote charity and justice throughout the world. The organisation believes that development allows the poorest people to reach their full human potential. Its members work to transform lives all over the world through their programmes. For years, Caritas has been supporting children from families in a difficult financial situation, and the participants of the Caritas for Children campaign ‘Backpacks Full of Smiles’ bring back a smile to the faces of thousands of students at the beginning of the school year. In Poland, the Presidential Couple supports this action every year.

For students, the beginning of the school year is a return to school activities, but also a time of joyful meetings, talks and games with long-lost friends and colleagues. Still empty notebooks and class registers encourage striving for good academic results and other personal achievements, paving the way to making your dreams come true.

Unfortunately, this mood is not shared by the parents and guardians of some Polish students and children from war-torn Ukraine who are visiting our country. Schoolbags, backpacks, textbooks and school supplies are accumulated expenses that they may not be able to handle.

“Let’s help! Caritas has been supporting children from families in a difficult financial situation for many years.Let students who experience deprivation start the new school year calmly, with renewed energy and optimism.”, the Presidential Couple said.

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