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ANWIL to resume nitrogenous fertiliser production

ANWIL, a company owned by PKN Orlen, has decided to resume production of nitrogenous fertilisers, PKN Orlen said on Monday.

“Despite the difficult conditions in the natural gas market, ANWIL is resuming fertiliser production and thus raw CO2. We are doing everything to make this product, used in the medical industry and for food production, available on the Polish market,” PKN Orlen CEO Daniel Obajtek tweeted.



ANWIL announced on Tuesday 23 August that it had ceased fertiliser production due to high natural gas prices.


For this reason, many European manufacturers in the chemical industry, including fertilisers, such as Yara, OCI, Nitrogenmuvek and Fertiberia have already decided firmly to introduce production restrictions. ANWIL, as one of the few companies, has so far maintained the continuity of production and ensured the availability of the product on the market, despite very difficult macroeconomic conditions. The company fulfilled all its current contractual obligations for customers in the Polish market.

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