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Gov’t postpones local elections. We know the dates!

Poland’s local elections will probably take place on 7 or 14 April 2024, a government official said on Wednesday, asked about plans to move the local ballot forward from its original 2023 deadline owing to its concurrence with next year’s parliamentary elections.

Pawel Szefernaker, a deputy interior minister, said both elections would overlap if held next year, hence the idea to postpone the local vote until 2024.


Szefernaker said this would practically extend the current local government term by about 6 months.


Elections to the European Parliament are planned by the end of May 2023 or at the beginning of June 2023. According to Szefernaker, municipal elections should take place as soon as possible but certainly not during the winter.


“Extending the local government term till the end of April means that elections could take place in April,” he said and added that this is a proposal of the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS).


The local election is currently scheduled for Autumn 2023, the same period is foreseen for the parliamentary elections.


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