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The KGHM’s mine rescuers won a bronze medal at the International Mines Rescue Competition

They’ve got it! – A team from the KGHM’s rescuers from the Mine and Smelter Rescue Unit won third place in the first aid competition at the International Mines Rescue Competition in the United States.

During this edition of the competition, the organizers decided to reward teams separately in each event. The official results of all competitions will be announced by September 19.


“Resilient to stress, determined, and motivated like no one else. They risk their own lives to help others. They have repeatedly proven that they can always be counted on. Such are the KGHM rescuers. They are returning from the USA with a bronze medal. Congratulations! Bravo!” said Marcin Chludziński, the President of the Management Board of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.


During the first aid competition, the KGHM team had to demonstrate both theoretical and practical knowledge. The rescuers had to provide assistance to victims of a mass accident at a factory. Since there were 4 people involved in the accident, they first had to perform triage of the victims. As a result, it turned out that 3 people needed help – one with multiple injuries, one requiring CPR, and one with minor injuries. During their training in Poland, our rescuers repeatedly practised similar scenarios with three victims. Their experience and weeks of training under the guidance of an experienced coach brought the expected result.


The rescuers from the Mine and Smelter Rescue Unit in Sobin represented the KGHM at the international competition for the twelfth time. They have won the championship twice, and have regularly ranked among the top teams. This year they were the only team from Poland. A total of 22 teams from around the world attended the event.


The KGHM’s team has participated in the competition from the very beginning – from the first event held in 1999.  The International Mines Rescue Competition is held every two years. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, in 2020 the competition was cancelled and moved to 2022.


The international competition provides an excellent opportunity for rescuers to improve their skills, as well as to exchange technical and organizational knowledge. The participants also have the opportunity to learn about the structures of other countries’ mine rescue units, including the principles of operation and their rescue equipment.


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