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Tomasz Sobania on his way to Barcelona. Only 300 km of run left

A 24-year-old Pole Tomasz Sobania wants to run the distances of a marathon for 60 days in a row with breaks. He started at the Piast Gliwice stadium (Silesian Voivodeship) and he plans to finish at Camp Nou on November 4.

“Everything is going according to plan, although I first fought a cold, then ran in heavy rain for a week. Around Munich, the temperature was about eight degrees, and I had difficulty tying my shoelaces with my hands as were numb from the cold. I was mentally exhausted, but I thought to myself that despite everything – I would make it. Now, by the Mediterranean, things are better,” he said a few days ago. 


Tomasz decided to make a one-day break yesterday to gather strength. He wrote on Instagram that it was his third and last day off during two months of the expedition. According to the plan, next Friday (Nov 4) he will be in Barcelona. 


“55th day, 53rd marathon. 2226 km in total on my way to Barcelona. I feel good and I run even faster than in the begging and it’s not only about years of training but also about my physio, Paweł, and INDIBA Active technology which makes recovery faster. We spend three hours a day working with INDIBA to make me ready for the next marathon. And in case of recovery, I will have last day off tomorrow and from Saturday I run 300 km, straight to Barcelona,” Sobania wrote on Facebook on Thursday. 



“My name is Tomasz Sobania, and I am an extreme runner, and the Noah’s Ark Foundation is an organization that for 14 years has been dedicated to helping addicts and preventing addiction among young people. We are collecting money for the club, which will be an alternative to the street or the city park for the youth in Gliwice. Already in this place, young people can safely spend time with a cup of hot chocolate, play billiards or table tennis, as well as talk to a psychologist or therapist and participate in various activities of a preventive nature in the context of alcohol and drugs. That’s why we’re having a whip-round, and as a runner who promotes good projects every year during my extreme runs, this time I want to support this initiative,” Sobania wrote in the description of the whip-round.

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