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Polish Constitutional Tribunal suspends Supreme Court's resolution

The Supreme Court’s (SN) resolution has been suspended by the Constitutional Tribunal. This means that all judges appointed by the president and the new National Council of the Judiciary (KRS) have the right to adjudicate and issue verdicts.

Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal (TK) acted in response to the motion by the Speaker of the Sejm, Elżbieta Witek. According to Witek’s motion, the Tribunal has to resolve a competence dispute between the Supreme Court, President and parliament. The Constitutional Tribunal set the date to settle the competence dispute on February 25th. Until then, the suspension will be in force. The Supreme Court’s resolution, passed last Thursday, states that when a judge nominated by the National Council of the Judiciary is included in a line-up court, then this line-up is incorrect. The resolution was adopted – according to the Polish government – to destroy the judicial reform which has just been introduced in Poland.

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