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    Minister Czaputowicz calls for unity against Russia

    The Munich Security summit, which started on Monday in Germany, concluded today. While in Munich, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jacek Czaputowicz spoke about the threat of Russia looming over Europe and called for the European Union to present a more unified approach on an international scale.

    The Polish minister gave a following statement:

    “Europe should be united here and also be involved in helping Ukraine. We should also be united more broadly, among the international community. We believe that Russia is a very serious threat, that it is a very serious player, acting against the interests of the West, against democracy. Therefore, Europe, the European Union, should be united here with other countries, above all with the United States.”

    According to some political commentators, Russia may soon be turning its attention to Belarus, which could explain Vladimir Putin’s aggresive historical manipulation policy and attempts at discrediting Poland. A unified, European front could possibly prevent the strengthening of Russian influence in Belarus. However, it seems unlikely that Moscow’s ambitions are indeed going to be tempered by the EU, as Germany is still pursuing the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Russian gas translates into money and that’s a tough argument to beat, as nothing turns people more deaf to the tragedy and death of war than the sound of flowing cash. For Ukrainians, there is nothing left to do but pray and hold their ground. Here’s hoping that Belarus won’t be in a similar position soon.

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