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    Poland’s Energy Security Takes Center Stage in “Time of Entrepreneurs” Expert Debates

    Telewizja Republika recently held its twelfth instalment of the “Time of Entrepreneurs” debate series, delving into the topic of “Energy Security in Transition – Between RES, Coal, and Gas.” The discussions featured prominent figures from various sectors, shedding light on crucial issues affecting Poland’s energy landscape.

    Distinguished participants included Tomasz Rogala, President of the Management Board of Polska Grupa Górnicza SA and President of the European Coal and Lignite Association; Artur Bartoszewicz, Doctor of Economic Sciences and expert in public policy at the Economic and Social College of the Warsaw School of Economics; Mariusz Marszałkowski, an analyst at the Jagiellonian Institute and journalist at the portal; Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister for Climate and Environment; Marek Wesoły, Secretary of State at the Ministry of State Assets and Government Plenipotentiary for the Transformation of Energy Companies and Coal Mining and Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Member of the European Parliament.

    The debates, skillfully moderated by Tv Republika journalists Adrian Stankowski and Paweł Woźniak, spanned four days, offering an in-depth exploration of key subjects relating to Europe’s evolving landscape and its implications for the energy and fuel sectors. Some of the crucial topics discussed included the necessary changes to the nation’s energy policy, strategies for fuel and raw material supply amidst the current context, ensuring system stability while reducing dependence on coal and gas imports from Russia, the utilization of critical raw materials in Poland’s energy transition, the expansion of renewable energy sources, challenges faced in accelerating Poland’s development, and the contentious amendments to the EU Methane Directive.

    This impactful event would not have been possible without the generous support of the Polish Mining Group S.A., the strategic partner of “Time of Entrepreneurs.” We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the esteemed experts whose insightful contributions underscore the significance of fostering dialogue between government institutions and entrepreneurs.

    ➡️ To watch all the interviews, please visit the YouTube channel of Telewizja Republika.

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