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    Opposition Unveils No-Confidence Motion Against Poland’s Justice Minister Amidst Controversial Justice System Overhaul

    The parliamentary caucus of Poland’s former ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, now in opposition, has declared its intention to present a motion of no confidence in the justice minister to the parliamentary speaker.

    The move follows criticism directed at Adam Bodnar, the newly appointed justice minister and prosecutor general, for restructuring Poland’s prosecutorial system, accused by opponents of becoming politically influenced during the PiS’s eight-year rule.

    Bodnar’s recent actions, including the dismissal of Dariusz Barski from the national prosecutor’s position, have intensified tensions. Mariusz Blaszczak, the PiS caucus head, expressed concern over Bodnar’s alleged failure to uphold the rule of law, introducing chaos into the legal system, and making controversial decisions affecting prosecutors.

    The no-confidence motion signals growing discontent within the opposition regarding Bodnar’s approach to justice reform.

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