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    World Wetlands Day 2024: Embracing Wetlands for Human Well-being

    February 2, 2024 marks World Wetlands Day under the theme “Wetlands and Human Well-being.” The global celebration highlights the interconnectedness between the physical, mental, and environmental aspects of human well-being and the health of wetlands worldwide.

    Wetlands: Lifelines for Humanity

    For millennia, communities have settled near wetlands to access food, freshwater, and agricultural resources. Wetlands, with their rivers and streams, form a rich nutrient source, sustaining diverse ecosystems. Approximately 1 in 8 people globally depends on wetlands for food, water, and transportation.

    Guardians of Environmental Harmony

    Wetlands contribute to clean water, food security, diverse diets, clean air, and resilience against extreme weather events. They play a vital role in climate adaptation, protecting coastal populations from storms and tsunamis. Each hectare of wetland absorbs 14 million liters of water, reducing floods and mitigating droughts.

    Beyond Environmental Benefits

    Wetlands offer recreational opportunities, water sports, and a sanctuary for stress relief. Nature contact promotes emotional balance, enhancing mental health for all individuals.

    International Call for Wise Wetland Management

    The Ramsar Convention Secretariat emphasizes the urgent need for wise wetland management. This approach ensures clean drinking water, reducing health issues and mortality rates.

    Poland’s Commitment to Water Management

    In Poland, water management plans align with existing laws, guiding decisions on water resources. Recent regulations focus on seven river basins, emphasizing corrective actions for protected areas. The second update prioritizes measures to maintain or improve water quality and ecosystem health.

    In conclusion, World Wetlands Day 2024 urges global cooperation in preserving these vital ecosystems, recognizing their indispensable role in human well-being and environmental sustainability.

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