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    Military Police Scans Rooms in Search for More Bodies in Grzybowska Street Tenement

    The Military Police are conducting room-by-room scans in a tenement building located on Grzybowska Street in search of additional bodies, as reported by TV Republika. Earlier discoveries unveiled the remains of four individuals within the premises.

    Ongoing operations by both the police and the military gendarmerie persist within the derelict structure situated at 71 Grzybowska Street. According to TV Republika, armed forces personnel are utilizing specialized equipment to scour the rooms for further bodies and evidences of the crime.

    On Sunday, two bodies were discovered within the pre-war tenement. This unsettling tally escalated with the unearthing of two more bodies on Monday. The bodies were found in an advanced state of decomposition. Today, the prosecution has initiated an investigation into this gruesome revelation. In connection to the case, seven individuals have been apprehended.

    As reported by RMF FM, one among them is set to face charges of quadruple homicide. According to, the accused individual is a citizen of Ukraine. The portal specifies that the Ukrainian national had allegedly been carrying out murders over an extended period, concealing the bodies within the building where vulnerable individuals sought refuge.

    In a distressing development near the crime scene, an incident of unlawful detainment of a TV Republika journalist and the confiscation of their equipment occurred today. Despite possessing all necessary permits, authorities took exception to the television network’s use of a drone. The drone was filming the abandoned tenement on Grzybowska Street in Wola, where the bodies of four men were discovered.

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