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    President Duda’s Strategic Meetings at the Bürgenstock Summit

    During the Bürgenstock Summit near Lucerne, President Andrzej Duda met with Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili and North Macedonian President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova. With President Zurabishvili, discussions focused on Georgia’s European aspirations, recent legislative developments, upcoming elections, and support for Ukraine. These discussions are crucial in light of Georgia’s strategic positioning and its democratic progress amidst regional tensions.

    Western Balkans and EU Integration

    In his meeting with President Siljanovska-Davkova, President Duda addressed the recent presidential transition in North Macedonia, the situation in the Western Balkans, and the region’s EU accession prospects. He emphasized the importance of demonstrating to nations distant from the Ukraine conflict that the threat is significant and global. Duda stressed that Russian aggression endangers not just Ukraine and its neighbors, but the entire world, urging for a unified response.

    President Duda reiterated the hybrid threats posed by Belarus and Russia towards Poland and the Baltic States. He underscored the importance of conveying the scale and devious methods of Russian aggression to international partners. Duda criticized Vladimir Putin’s recent comments on the Ukraine war, interpreting them as a blatant disregard for international law and a commitment to continued violence, underscoring the necessity of global support for Ukraine.

    Engaging with China

    Despite China’s absence from the summit, President Duda noted their likely observation of the proceedings. He announced an upcoming visit to China, viewing the summit as a springboard for discussions with Chinese leaders about ending the war in Ukraine. Duda highlighted how the conflict negatively impacts Chinese interests, aiming to leverage this perspective in diplomatic talks.

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