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    Polish Police Confiscate 200 Cars Weekly

    To curb drunk driving, Polish police are now confiscating an average of 200 vehicles per week from drivers found under the influence of alcohol. Despite the severity of this measure, the impact on deterring intoxicated drivers seems to be minimal, according to a report in “Rzeczpospolita,” a major daily newspaper in Poland.

    The policy, described by the paper as a “cold shower” intended for those considering driving after drinking, aims to serve as a significant deterrent. However, the effects have been modest. “Rzeczpospolita” highlights the concerning statistic that every second driver caught under the influence still presents a blood alcohol concentration that is high enough to warrant criminal charges under the penal code.

    This measure has indeed captured the attention of sober drivers, instilling a fear of losing their vehicles, which appears to have made them think twice before drinking and driving. Yet, this same fear does not seem to resonate with those who choose to drive while intoxicated, as the problem persists unabated.

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