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    Sasin announces the consolidation of energy companies

    Jacek Sasin, Minister of State Assets, announced on Wednesday that in the future the government will discuss the consolidation of energy companies. He added that the effect of the ongoing consolidation in the fuel sector will be “a very strong entity with dominant state capital”.

    Jacek Sasin is a participant of the Congress 590 that begins today. According to the deputy prime minister, state-owned companies should be strengthened through mergers and looking for synergies in them.

    “In the future, we want to discuss the consolidation of energy companies,” Sasin announced, adding that the effect of the ongoing consolidation in the fuel sector will be “a very strong Polish entity with dominant state capital, which will be able to compete with large foreign entities.”

    As he said, the reconstruction of Polish property takes place not only through repolonization, but also through the support of private entities by large companies of the State Treasury.

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