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    Polish EU MPs on Article 13

    The notorious Article 13 has been passed today in EU Parliament, despite numerous protests against it throughout many member countries.

    ACTA2, as it is often referred to by the people opposing it, is supposed to regulate the copyright laws of the creators of linked content in the European part of the internet. Some people say that it will finally put an end to massive theft of intellectual property on the web, while others fear that it will hamper or outright ban production of materials that cite other materials, which is basically how most of the internet works. Polish MPs were also divided on this issue with a strong skew towards voting against the directive (all of Law and Justice, a few members of Civic Platform and several others), with just a few members from Civic Platform voting for it. Here is the list of how Polish EU MPs voted on Article 13:


    Tadeusz Zwiefka (Civic Platform)

    Bogdan Zdrojewski (Civic Platform)

    Marek Plura (Civic Platform)

    Julia Pitera (Civic Platform)

    Barbara Kudrycka (Civic Platform)

    Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (Civic Platform)

    Danuta Huebner (Civic Platform)

    Kazimierz M. Ujazdowski (unaffiliated but with bonds to Civic Platform)



    Ryszard Czarnecki (Law and Justice)

    Edward Czesak (Law and Justice)

    Anna Fotyga (Law and Justice)

    Beata Gosiewska (Law and Justice)

    Czesław Hoc (Law and Justice)

    Marek Jurek (Right Wing of the Republic of Poland)

    Karol Karski (Law and Justice)

    Sławomir Kłosowski (Law and Justice)

    Zdzisław Krasnodębski (Law and Justice)

    Urszula Krupa (Law and Justice)

    Zbigniew Kuźmiuk (Law and Justice)

    Ryszard Legutko (Law and Justice)

    Stanisław Ożóg (Law and Justice)

    Bolesław Piecha (Law and Justice)

    Ryszard Piotrowski (Law and Justice)

    Tomasz Poręba (Law and Justice)

    Jadwiga Wiśniewska (Law and Justice)

    Kosma Złotowski (Law and Justice)

    Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (unaffiliated but with bonds to Law and Justice)

    Andrzej Grzyb (Polish People’s Party)

    Krzysztof Hetman (Polish People’s Party)

    Jarosław Kalinowski (Polish People’s Party)

    Czesław Siekierski (Polish People’s Party)

    Michał Boni (Civic Platform)

    Danuta Jazłowiecka (Civic Platform)

    Adam Szejnfeld (Civic Platform)

    Róża Thun (Civic Platform)

    Lidia Geringer de Oedenberg (Democratic Left Alliance)

    Adam Gierek (Democratic Left Alliance)

    Marek Marusik (New Right)

    Stanisław Żółtek (New Right)

    Robert Iwaszkiewicz (Freedom)

    Dobromir Sośnierz (KORWiN)



    Janusz Zemke (Democratic Left Alliance)

    Bogusław Liberadzki (Democratic Left Alliance)

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