- Judging by the economic performance of Poland, it will become the new Germany in 10 years – said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Radio Kossuth. He also pointed out that the European Union has to find its answer to the decline of its international economic importance.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited in Katowice the European Economic Congress (EEC) on Thursday. Soon after 9 am Polish Prime Minister started his meeting with entrepreneurs who take part in this event.
The Chairman of Polish Oil Company (PKN) Orlen, Daniel Obajtek told Vice-Chief of ‘Dziennik Gazeta Prawna’ Marek Tejchman about the development plans of PKN Orlen.
Paratrooper Raphael Domjan made, first in history, parachute jump from a solar-powered aeroplane. Domjan jumped from the aeroplane at the height of 1520 meter above Western Switzerland.
We want Silesia to be the industrial heartland of Poland – said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday in Katowice. This ‘Program for Silesia’ is completely compatible with the third decade of the XXI century’s challenges.
The Jagiellonian Fair is a festival of art and folk culture in Lublin since 2007. The program of the event is focused on the authentic folk culture of Central and Eastern Europe. It lasts from the 21st of August to the 23rd of August 2020.
In the last few weeks, Poland lived with a belief that Mission: Impossible 7 will move to Lower Silesia to blow up the 111-year-old railway bridge. The director Christopher McQuarrie visited Lower Silesia last December to look at this bridge.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who fell into a coma, cannot be moved from the hospital in Omsk. His condition is too serious – decided doctors on Friday. Meanwhile, a plane, which was supposed to take Navalny for the abroad treatment, flew in from Germany.
‘A repetition of the presidential election in Belarus is real, although it is difficult’ – said on Thursday a Member of the European Parliament Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (Law and Justice Party; PiS). He also added that the European Union should threaten Russia with sanctions if it intervened for the re-election of the Alexander Lukashenko.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was taken to the hospital after a suspected poisoning on Thursday. Navalny started feeling unwell while on a return flight to Moscow – said his spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh on Twitter. He is in a coma.
A hundred years ago, at night between 19th and 20th of August 1920, the II Silesian Uprising broke out – the first Silesian Uprising which succeeded. It aimed to demonstrate the manpower. Also, it was the answer to German’s terror.
We call the Belarusian authorities for opening the way for the political solution to the crisis, to respect human rights and freedom, and to refrain from the violence against peaceful protesters – wrote the Presidents of the Visegrad Group countries in a joint statement.
After World War II, children were exposed to Nazi criminals. German broadcaster ARD in its report revealed shocking cases of torture in so-called sanatoria led by high-ranking national socialists.