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    Polish People's Party cuts its ties with the Kukiz'15 movement

    The alliance between the chairman of the agrarian Polish People’s Party, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz and the leader of the populist Kukiz’15 movement, Paweł Kukiz, which lasted a year and three months, was broken yesterday. The official reason was the vote on the resolution on budget negotiations in the European Union in which MPs from the Kukiz’15 movement took the side of the ruling Law and Justice party.

    No new solutions to the rule of law issue

    Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke with Angela Merkel on Friday in the form of a videoconference. "In the conversation between Prime Minister and the German Chancellor, there were no new proposals regarding the conditionality mechanism in the European Union budget," government spokesman Piotr Müller said.

    Wiśniewska: 'the rule of law mechanism can be a political whip'

    These days, the rule of law mechanism will concern the alleged breaking the law, and tomorrow it will concern the refusal to adopt children by the same-sex couples in Poland. The day after tomorrow, it will be about the fact that we do not accept migrants in the number that the European Union wishes, PiS (Law and Justice party) MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska says for the website

    Russia demands access to evidence regarding the Smoleńsk plane crash

    The Russian General Prosecutor's Office is demanding access to the information about the last conversation that took place between Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński on April 10, 2010. The Polish Ministry of Justice received a relevant request in this case.

    Łódź: Hospital ready to be opened

    This will be our so-called a strategic reserve, Tobiasz Bocheński, voivode of Łódź said today, informing that the temporary hospital in the EXPO hall in Łódź is ready for launch. The cost of investment and equipment is PLN 15 million.

    National Women's Strike refuses to let several journalists into a press conference

    Representatives of the Nationwide Women’s Strike organized a press conference at their headquarters in Warsaw, however, not all reporters were allowed to participate in the event. The leader of the Women’s Strike, Marta Lempart, decided not to allow inside the reporters from Telewizja Polska and Telewizja Republika, among others. As a result of a fight that broke out in front of the main entrance, one of the reporters was seriously wounded.

    PGNiG discovers new gas deposits in Norway among other successes

    "We consider the Warka discovery as extremely important for the strategic expansion of our gas production operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf." commented Paweł Majewski, the President of the PGNiG Management Board. The PGNiG group also boosted its output on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and confirmed the results of the exploration well at the Alve Nord East prospect.

    PGNiG discovers new gas deposits in Norway among other successes

    "We consider the Warka discovery as extremely important for the strategic expansion of our gas production operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf." commented Paweł Majewski, the President of the PGNiG Management Board. The PGNiG group also boosted its output on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and confirmed the results of the exploration well at the Alve Nord East prospect.

    Activists of the Women's Strike threaten policemen

    Justice Minister and Polish Prosecutor General, Zbigniew Ziobro has clearly indicated that making the names and addresses of policemen public is a crime. The politician instructed the Warsaw District Prosecutor's Office to initiate proceedings in cases of such breaches. The decision comes in the wake of pro-abortion protests across the country.

    There is no definition of the rule of law in the EU

    EC officials confirmed in writing that there is no definition of the rule of law in the EU documents. The issue of the rule of law does not fall within the competence of the EU, Witold Waszczykowski, an MEP, former head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote on Twitter. He also included a discussion of the Commission's response to his question on the rule of law.

    EU budget talks still in a deadlock

    The works on the multi-year European Union budget seem to have come to a dead end. Poland and Hungary continue to veto the document. Neither country is willing to accept the demands set by Berlin.

    Family Minister: I think furniture stores will be reopened

    If there are active hardware stores, I think furniture stores will also be open. I think that such a decision will be made by Prime Minister Morawiecki today, Stanisław Szwed, deputy Minister of the Family, announced on Friday. He confirmed that the restrictions may subsequently be limited in gastronomy.

    Poland and Hungary's object to the EU budget

    The informal EU summit on the coordination of activities related to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the blockade of work on the multiannual financial framework and the reconstruction plan, has started. Poland and Hungary raised reservations regarding the regulation on linking EU funds with the rule of law.

    Pro-choice protesters clash with the police in Warsaw

    Poland’s capital city witnessed yet another mass protest. The National Women’s Strike took to the streets of Warsaw yesterday, and the participants of the march were reluctant to speak to the media. Reporters of TV Republika witnessed acts of aggression and hostility. Although the organizers of the march push the blame of brutalizing social life onto others, they themselves are seen as adding fuel to the fire.

    Polish Prime Minister: We have the second lowest unemployment in the European Union

    We have the second lowest unemployment in the European Union, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during the meeting of the Social Dialogue Council, which was announced by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister on Thursday.

    Home Army veteran dies aged one hundred

    At the age of one hundred, Major Stanisław Szuro codename "Zamorski", a participant in the September campaign, a former soldier of the Union of Armed Struggle - Home Army, a prisoner of German camps and communist prisons, youth educator and history teacher, died in Krakow.

    Poland and Hungary veto the EU budget

    Poland and Hungary have vetoed approval of the EU budget over a clause which ties funding to compliance with the rule of law within the EU. The package includes €750bn for a Covid recovery fund. Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki had threatened a veto last week and on Monday, Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said the rule of law issue was "just a pretext". "It is really an institutional, political enslavement, a radical limitation of sovereignty," he said. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán claimed the rule of law clause "jeopardises trust" between member states. Hungary and Poland have long been at loggerheads with the EU having been criticised for violating democratic standards enshrined in the EU's founding treaty, something which both countries deny.

    Polish presidential couple visits Lithuania

    President Andrzej Duda and the first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda are in Lithuania on an official visit. During their stay, the head of the Polish state will meet Lithuanian officials, establish the Presidential Council of the two countries, and inaugurate the Polish-Lithuanian Economic Forum.

    Add: redakcja


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    Italy: drunk driver killed tourists

    A tragic accident occurred in the north of Italy. A drunk driver drove into a group of German tourists who were standing on the side of the road. 6 people were killed and 11 were injured. All fatalities were between 20 and 25 years old.

    Poland is the Volleyball World Champion for the second time in a row

    Despite personnel changes, the effect remains the same – which is the Volleyball World Championship title. Mere three weeks ago no one had expected that the Polish national team would be playing in the final of the Volleyball Men’s World Championships. Today no one doubts that Poles are the best team in the world. They proved that talent and perseverance leads to great results.

    Left-wing groups prepare to block the Independence Day March

    The Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw is one of the word's largest annual conservative and patriotic events. As in previous years, some left-wing organizations have declared their intention to physically block the march.