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Wiśniewska: 'the rule of law mechanism can be a political whip'

These days, the rule of law mechanism will concern the alleged breaking the law, and tomorrow it will concern the refusal to adopt children by the same-sex couples in Poland. The day after tomorrow, it will be about the fact that we do not accept migrants in the number that the European Union wishes, PiS (Law and Justice party) MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska says for the website

“The lack of definition of this mechanism means that it can be a political whip against different member states for various reasons,” says Wiśniewska.

There is a fierce discussion in the European Union about linking the budget with the rule of law. Poland and Hungary strongly oppose the idea of mechanism imposed by the German presidency, which breaches previous agreements and violates the treaties in force in the EU. discussed the consequences of its possible adoption with MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska.

“What is trying to push through today is a breach of the conclusions of the July summit, at which the leaders of the EU Member States made their final conclusions. (…) Meanwhile, the German presidency broke these decisions and, under the influence of the European Parliament and the very favourable to this solution European Commission, proposed to combine the budget with the rule of law,” explains Jadwiga Wiśniewska.

He also adds that “we absolutely cannot agree to such regulations”.


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