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The purchase of land for the Solidarity Transport Hub to begin this year

Marcin Horała plenipotentiary of Solidarity Transport Hub (Centralny Port Komunikacyjny – CPK) announced that the draft Act on the construction of the CPK in July and August this year may be sent to external consultations. He added that the purchase of land for the new hub should also start this year.

“We are trying to remodel this project a bit so as to accelerate infrastructure investments so that CPK could become part of the program to rebuild the Polish economy after the slowdown caused by the coronavirus”, Horała said. In May 2018, the Sejm adopted a special law, thanks to which it will be possible to start the construction of the Solidarity Transport Hub between Warsaw and Łódź. The document specifies the terms and conditions for the preparation, financing and implementation of the construction of CPK and the infrastructure accompanying it, including the terms and conditions for reserving the area, issuing a location decision by the competent authorities in these matters and purchasing real estate.

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